There are revealed in scripture three "dimensions of God's Grace." God's grace can be defined as, "Any action of God on a person's behalf." In general terms, the depth of a person's relationship with God provides the boundaries of the impact of God's acts of grace. The greater the depth of relationship, the greater the possible impact of God's acts of grace. When a person has limited awareness and/or relationship with God the impact of God's act for a person is reduced. If a person has a very deep and fully committed relationship with God then the impact of God's act for a person has its full effect. Therefore the three dimensions of God's Grace refer to the three general levels of a person's relationship with God.
(However, remember this is about relationship between God the creator and God's created beings that is dynamic not static.
We speak of levels and boundaries as a general description not as unchanging legalistic universal law.
These dimensions and levels are for our limited mental grasping of our interaction with our Creator and Sovereign Lord.
They do not dictate and confine our relationship with God but they help to describe and inform our understanding of our relationship.)
Before any person is born there are revealed in scripture two basic events that give the context
for a person's initial relationship with God they are born into and thereby, the First Dimension of God's Grace.
1. Creation: Original Righteousness (full presence and full relationship with God)
This is the state all humans were created in and for. It is the state or relationship with God
that Adam and Eve initially had with God. This is God's intention in and desire for creation.
2. The Fall: Original Sin (limited presence and broken relationship with God)
This is the result of Adam and Eve's sin. The consequence is the loss of full relationship with the Creator God and a fall from the Image of God within them. It impacts all of humanity and all of creation because of Adam and Eve's God given stewardship over creation. All future prodigy of Adam and Eve are born into the consequential fall from God's full presence.
I. First Dimension of God's Grace: Prevenient Grace / Common Grace
This is the state all people are born into. It is sometimes referred to as the state of original sin.
A person has only a general relationship with God. There is no personal relationship.
A. First Work of God's Grace: Conversion / Born Again / Accepting Christ
This is God's first relationship changing Work of Grace in a person to save them from the result of sin in their life - death;
and transform them to begin a relationship of love with God so that they can live in
God's Second Dimension of Grace - Justification.
II. Second Dimension of God's Grace: Justification / Believer / Initial Salvation
This is the state a believer in Jesus Christ lives in following their experience of God's first work of grace. The believer now lives a new life in Christ out of the state they were born into - Original Sin. God begins within the believer the renewal of God's image that all people were created in and for. In this state Christ's righteousness has been imputed in the believer and God begins imparting, through God's transforming grace, the likeness of Christ. The personal relationship of love with God and for other people deepens and grows.
B. Second Work of God's Grace: Entire Sanctification
This is the second transforming Work of God in a believer, completing the effects of the redemption of Christ and the filling of the Holy Spirit. This Work of God brings a believer into the fullness of God (full relationship with God as they were created to live in). It is given by God after a believer willfully surrenders all areas of their life to the control and direction of the Holy Spirit. It often occurs after God makes clear one specific area of surrender the believer needs to give God full control in.
III. Third Dimension of God's Grace: Full Salvation / Holy Maturity / Perfect Love
This is the state a believer in Jesus Christ lives in following their experience of God's second work of grace. The believer now fully gives over resistance to God's grace and being filled with the Holy Spirit. They become radically dependent on Christ and are restored to the full image of God that they were created in. God continues to deepen this restoration through imparting more and more the likeness of Christ. A fully sanctified believer, living in holy maturity, lives in a complete love relationship with God which shows itself through the sanctified believer loving others with God's love for them. A holy mature believer lives in God's victory over the power of sin. Their singleness of intention is to do the will of God, even though there may be times they mistakenly act in sin. They still have the capacity to sin but they don't have the same inclination to sin as in the fallen state they were born in.