Grace   Ministries

All ministries are offered for the purpose of stirring up pastors and believers to experience and live in God's complete love and full sanctifying grace.  Each ministry is targeted to accomplish this purpose through different means.

Below are general descriptions of each of the ministries currently being offered or being developed.

If you are interested in talking further about a ministry

you may contact Wes Johnson by:

Phone/Text: 507-401-7547

Email: wjj1960@gmail.com


Grace  Continuing Education & Spiritual Formation Small Group

Experiences for Clergy

This Small Group Experience for Clergy helps clergy:

1. Understand God's Full Sanctifying Grace Offered in Scripture,

2. Provide opportunities for clergy to Seek God's Full Sanctifying Grace,

3. so that clergy may Experience and Live In God's Full Sanctifying Grace!


Grace   Continuing Education & Spiritual Formation

Clergy Small Group Experience


Grace  Small Group Experiences are made up of 3-7 clergy meeting together, taught and led by Wes Johnson.

There will be three group gatherings over approximately 5 months.  Each gathering will take place within an hour drive for each participant.  Each gathering will meet from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm with a lunch provided.  There will be a fourth Individual Session where Wes meets with each participant individually at their place of ministry.


1st Gathering

- The Biblical revelation of the three dimensions of grace and Biblical terms for the Third Dimension of Grace (Full Sanctifying Grace) 

[Biblical Terms: Perfect Love, Entire Sanctification, Maturity, Perfection, Kingdom of God, Filled with the Spirit, Abundant Life ...]

- Why one should desire God's Full Sanctifying Grace.

- Each participant will receive the book, "Love Made Perfect" by William Greathouse.

2nd Gathering:

- Reflections on the book "Love Made Perfect".

- Personal testimonies of Full Sanctification

- The common stages of experiencing Full Sanctification.

- Each participant will receive the booklet "My Heart - Christ's Home" by Robert Boyd Munger

3rd Gathering:

- Reflections on the booklet "My - Heart Christ's Home".

- Biblical teachings of living filled with the Spirit.

- Participation in the Wesleyan Covenant Service

Individual Session:

- Personal Sharing, questions, and encouragement

- Next Step Plans

- Specific Time of Prayer

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


Requested Ministry Fees:

$ 400/participant

If interested, a Zoom based experience has been developed that drops the requested fees to $300/participant.

This is a ministry so the fees are requested rather than required for participation.

See the How to Give Page for more information on how the financial needs for the ministry are met.

To download a PDF of the Clergy Small Group Brochure click on the red link.


Grace   Immersion Weekends


Grace  Immersion Weekends help committed

believers in churches:

1. Understand God's Full Sanctifying Grace revealed in Scripture,

2. Provide opportunities for believers to seek and experience God's Full Sanctifying Grace in their life,

3. and Train believers to live in God's Full Sanctifying Grace.


Grace   Immersion Weekends


Where are Grace   Immersion Weekends held?

They are held in a local church setting.

Who are they for?

Any believer who desires to learn about and/or experience God's Full Grace in their life.

What will happen on the Weekend?

Immersion weekends begin on Friday evening with an "Introduction to God's Full Grace" Service.

     - This is an open service to introduce the full dimensions of God's grace (Ephesians 3:17-19) and to stir

       up a desire to seek God's full grace in one's life.

Saturday events are for those who have committed to fully participate throughout the day and weekend.

     - Full participants need to sign up either before the weekend or at the Friday night service.

     - Saturday will involve a variety of experiences ranging from training workshops, small group dialogue

        sessions, times of personal prayer and meditation, times of worship, as well as experiencing a Wesley       

        Covenant Service and an opportunity for prayer seeking the Holy Spirit's work to be done in participants'


Sunday brings the weekend to a conclusion with Sunday morning Church-wide worship and a congregational meal and testimony time.

What is the Cost?

(Currently we are just asking for a donation from the hosting church and no participant fee - just chances for donations during the weekend.)

The Requested Ministry Fee is $750 from the hosting church.

In addition, each participant is asked to cover $50.

This is a requested fee not a required fee for participation

See the How to Give Page for more information on how the financial needs for the ministry are met.

To download a PDF of the Local Church Immersion Weekend Brochure click on the red link.